Phyle Driver
Just like the author of this article, Neal Stephenson’s “The Diamond Age” has been a big influence on my vision of the future, as was Stephenson’s earlier novel, “Snow Crash” and the works of William S. Gibson. And also like…
Just like the author of this article, Neal Stephenson’s “The Diamond Age” has been a big influence on my vision of the future, as was Stephenson’s earlier novel, “Snow Crash” and the works of William S. Gibson. And also like…
Should open carry be legal? Of course it should. It’s useful in lots of different ways, and banning it is a restriction on the right to keep and bear arms, and that's a bad thing. But should you do it?…
Sherman, set the Wayback Machine for January 2016. Donald Trump was inaugurated as President, which torched off (literally) weeks of protest. Then came the 2017 Charlottesville attack, the riots in Kenosha and Minneapolis and January 6th. Add it all up,…
Dr. David Yamane has a new video out where he talks about the flaws in a new book on the AR-15. Give it watch right now… For awhile now, I’ve had a half-formed idea rattling around inside the copious…
Open Source Defense breaks down the steps to make something that once was forbidden and illegal into something normal. They list four steps: Forbidden, Aberrant, Accepted, Unnoticed. The move from the second to third step caught my eye: "Aberrant→Accepted: this…
My friend Michael Bane (along with another friend, Paul Earhardt) came up with the idea of “Gun Culture 2.0” to describe the shift they were seeing in American society. The previous gun culture, version 1.0, was all about hunting and…
Open Source Defense churns out some of the most thoughtful, engaging content in the world of armed self-defense. It’s not about training or gear, but rather, how that training/gear/lifestyle is impacting American society. Their latest article, on how guns are…
I’ve been debating conservative politics online for over 25 years now, and over the years, I’ve noticed two things. 1. Things started to get personal sometime around the ramp-up to the second Gulf War. Where I could once argue with…
I sort of got my start in this gunwriting thing by making the (weird at the time) assumption that a .38 Special with pink grips might not be the right gun for a woman. That article took off, and was…
"Never bet against the side that's having the most fun in a culture war." - PDB Politics is downstream from culture, said Andrew Breitbart, and he was 100% correct. Politics can try to dictate culture, but a counter-culture soon pops…